Monday, June 30, 2008

23 Things Summary

I enjoyed my discoveries in this journey. My favorite discoveries were Flicker, Web Feat, Zoho Writer and the Digital Collection. Without this assignment I would not have become familiar with any of these programs. This was a great program for me as I only use the computer for my minimum needs. I would say the take-away from this program is that it is endless! I will make an effort in the future to explore different programs. If you offer another discovery program I would chose to particpate. Thanks for the journey!

Audio Books and the Digital Collection

I enjoyed learning about the Audio Books and the Digital Collection. The web site was very easy to follow and I thought the selection of the digital collection was very good. I enjoyed looking the the recent arrivals and most popular. This is something I will be using. It it great that we offer this service. :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Finding Podcasts

I found podcasting interesting. I found the health search podcasts helpful. This is a subject that benefits my entire family. I find it helpful to have another resource to obtain knowledge and educate myself. After looking into health issues, I then switched over to thinking about vacations, I looked into the Florida Keys and enjoyed watching the podcasts.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

You Tube

I enjoyed logging onto You Tube. You could spend hours watching various videos. The video I chose was from the TV show So You Think You Can Dance. The video is of Chelsea & Mark dancing to the song Bleeding Love. I watched them the other night as this is a show we watch as a family. I thought Chelsea & Mark did a great job showing their talent. It was very entertaining.
My daughter showed me a funny video, we had a lot of laughs watching The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

What I did not care for is the material that is easily accessed that is offensive and inappropriate for children. My kids have been on You Tube numerous times and I feel like too much is out there being viewed by the kids.

I think You Tube would be useful if placed on the PBCLS web site. It would be another means to communicate to our patrons.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards Winners

Web 2.0 OHHHH. It is another informative site. I enjoyed looking at many of the various sites.
It is a wealth of information and I could spend endless hours.
However, I will write about the Food site, Im Cooked. It is interesting because you can do a search for any recipe and it will give you a recipe along with a video of someone cooking the item and giving instructions with each step. If you would like to check it out go the the Food link and click on Im Cooked - cook it, film it, share it. I will check this site out again in the future.


I liked zoho writer! It's good to know that I have access to another web processing site.
What I liked about it is that it was easy to use and was not difficult. I typed my summer schedule of fun days and had fun changing the font colors and using different smiley faces after each entry. Zoho writer is something that I would use in the future.

Monday, June 16, 2008


The Wiki lesson was fun. After more people have posted on the site it will be fun to go back and read what they have listed as their favorites. The lesson was a good way to show us how Wiki's work and how they can be a great tool.


Wiki is an interesting and usful tool. I was not familiar with Wiki's. The library websites are a excellent resource tool. I enjoyed searching cooking and travel.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Web 2.0

Yes, the web has become the new digital lifestyle of our culture. Web 2.0 allows users access wherever they are. This is a huge advantage to our culture. We will be reaching out and allowing all our patrons to obtain the information they are searching for and getting their results immediately. I know the Web 2.0 is our future, the younger generationa are online daily, blogging, myspace, you tube, etc. It is just part of their daily life. I myself, will be reluctant to move ahead, as I will always enjoy a book in hand!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Okay, TMI! I guess I just don't plan to spend this much time on the computer. When I looked up it had 70 blogs. I then looked up weg 2.0 and it showed 170,562 blogs.
There is tons of info out there, it becomes too much for me!

I viewed the site, it took a lot of time. I can see how this would benefit certain people. However, for me I would not need this web site . It is interesting to me to see the different
sites available today and how they are being used.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


WebFeat is great. This is a site that I will be using. I was able to look up health issues and get some good solid information. It is a great source of information and I will pass it along to others. I will use WebFeat in the future. :)

Library Thing

Library Thing was fun and interesting! I can see how it is beneficial and you could spend a lot of time on this site.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Wow! Week 5 Generators has some weird and wacky stuff. I had no idea you could locate things like this. It was fun to explore this site, however I do not plan on ever using any of it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

RSS Newfeeds

Exploring bloglines is definately new to me. It is something I know I would have never explored without being in this program. It was extremely time consuming and frustrating. It is not a tool I will be using in the future. I guess I'm partial to getting my news from the newspapers, radio and TV. I am glad this weeks assignment is completed. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Todays teenagers use IM's to stay in touch and keep up with their friends.
This is a new concept to me, but I see how my teenage daughter uses it daily and at any time
can log on and instantly be able to chat with friends.

Juno Beach Pier Sunrise

Click on above link to view sunset :)

Friday, May 9, 2008


Blogging can be used in libraries to post reviews on books, authors, movies and book clubs.

I can see how this would be of interest to many

Seven & 1/2 Habits

The 7 1/2 habits will be helpful with learning and using new technologies. I will benefit from this program as I would not have ventured out of my comfort zone.

The most difficult part for me will be having the time to play! I will also need to give notice to my teenage daughter that I will need the computer. It will be extremely hard for her to give up her computer time.